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Tours Specialists Inc
Visit Spain and Portugal and 2024!

Explore Spain and Portugal on these 3 FAM trips from Tours Specialists! Companions are invited!


Spain FAM | 8 Days

Madrid, Cordoba, Seville, Granada, and Toledo

  • Departs Saturdays
  • Price is based on land only, low season and double occupancy:
    • Travel Agent - from $1,400
    • Spouse/Companion - $1,500
  • Includes: hotels, breakfast daily, transfers and sightseeing


Spain FAM from Barcelona | 9 Days

Barcelona, Madrid, Cordoba, Seville, Granada, and Toledo

  • Departs Fridays
  • Price is based on land only, low season and double occupancy:
    • Travel Agent - from $1,700
    • Spouse/Companion - $1,800
  • Includes: hotels, breakfast daily, transfers and sightseeing


Spain and Portugal FAM | 9 Days

Madrid, Salamanca, Porto, Coimbra, Fatina, Batalha, Nazare, Alcobaca, Lisbon, and Caceres

  • Departs Sundays
  • Price is based on land only, low season and double occupancy:
    • Travel Agent - from $1,500
    • Spouse/Companion - $1,600
  • Includes: hotels, breakfast daily, transfers and sightseeing


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